Category Archives: UkeOut – Ukulele Jams & Open Mic Nights

UkeOut (ukulele open mic jam) is one island tradition that has helped make Key West the Ukulele Capital of North America.
UkeOut PAGE is the Island Guitar page to support our local (OR visiting) Ukulele players.
We have EVERYTHING you need to jam out or “UKEOUT” as it’s dubbed! Ukuleles, cases, ukulele display wall hangers and stands, straps, strings, tuners, learning books cd’s and DVD’s, cleaning kits, and a ton of COOL ukulele lover GIFT items, T-Shirts and fun accessories!!
Have a GREAT time exploring this site – Peace :) Just use the search bar on top or side of this page to ask or search for anything ukulele, guitar, music, etc related!! Search for information, photos and dates on UkeOuts, Concerts, Lessons, ANYTHING MUSIC !!

Welcome to Island Guitar Key West & Dallas home of Music Lessons Band Instrument Rental & Sales & Ukulele, Bass, Drum, Piano, Violin & MORE

Island Guitar
Island Guitar Key West & Wilkes-Barre/Dallas

We are a full service music store for those who play, those who want to to learn play, and for bars, clubs, churches and places that have public speakers, performers and live bands.

We have good ol’ brick and mortar music shops in:

Key West Florida 305-414-8056
1109 Key Plaza, Key West, FL 33040
(aka Bone Island Music)

Dallas 570-674-1995
2611 memorial hwy, Dallas, Pa 18612
(aka Wayne’s World Music)


Instruments, Accessories, Drum heads, Strings, tubes, cables, stands etc etc.

msg or call or email me personally at