Snow bird season is in full swing in Florida & Key West. Enjoy your stay in paradise with everything you love – including misical instruments (without the hastle of transporting or shipping yours from back home!!
Give us a call 305-414-8056 to reserve your music gear remtals now!
We RENT (deliver & setup) Keyboards, Electric Piano’s, Guitar’s, drums & other musical gear to you motel room, condo, winter home, or bar gig in Key West.
We rent inexpensive beach & pool side guitars to high end stage and performance gear AND in between
Island Guitar Music Store hosts Ukulele Camp Key West 2019
It’s Ukulele Camp 2019 registration time again already! Everyone had such an incredible time in the years before we are so excited that it’s summer camp time of the year!!
Make friends and share great experiences with other kids that love music! Meet other children in our community from different schools and different walks of life and let’s all jam music together!!
Piano teacher and performer James King giving keyboard demonstration
Everyday of camp we focus on ukulele to prepare for the “concert” at the end of the week, but each day we introduce a different instrument to the children. We have a professional demonstration, question and answer period AND hands on time for each student to experience that instrument.
Flute teacher and performer Ray West giving demonstration
There are always some students that come for ukulele but discover they have a natural talent on or love for keyboard, drums, flute or violin.
Violin teacher and performer gives demonstration
We mix outside/fresh air play time and activities with cool inside AC lesson and practice time.
We are still taking registrations. Call 305-414-8056.
New model ukuleles on SALE at Island Guitar Key West Music Store
Key West’s family owned and operated music store has new model ukuleles and guitars in stock and ON SALE in time for the holidays.
We have great selection of beginner, intermediate AND stage worthy instruments for sale this holiday season. We stocked heavey on ukuleles, guitars, keyboards and everything from harmonicas and tambourines to weighted key electric pianos and replacement parts like guitar strings and drum heads.
We not only sell the supplies that working musicians and students need but also offer the services that go along with these items such as ukulele string changing and guitar and bass action and intonation set-ups.
We also sell gift certificate packages for merchandise, service or repair work, and private lesson gift packages for ukulele, guitar, bass, drums, flute, cello, violin, piano, harmonica and more!
We specailize in great gift ideas and stocking stuffer ideas for musicians and musician hopefuls.
This is my wife Jamie and my TWENTIETH holiday season in the music business and feel like we can help you pick out some fun and useful gifts for the musicians on your gift list – including some great gifts for ourselves.
Island Guitar & Ukulele Lesson Studios Key West Private 1 on 1 music Lessons ALL AGES
Island Guitar, Ukulele & Piano Lesson Studios in Key West has 2 spots open for Private lessons on Piano and 3 available spots open for electric or acoustic guitar @ our Key Plaza Studios next to AT&T across from Radio Shack next to Kmart.
Is your pre-school aged child ready for PIANO lessons?